December 2022: A look back and looking forward

December 2022: A look back and looking forward

December 2022: A look back and looking forward
As we begin closing out 2022, I wanted to say a special "thank you" to our amazing customers who have been a part of making this a wonderful year for my small business. As I am finishing up packing the last of the orders from our Big Winter Sale, I am overwhelmed with the fact that you took the time to shop with me again this year. You truly had me doing the happy dance the past few months. 
This will be my last blog post for the year as I wind down my year and begin planning for 2023. First of all, where did this year go?

Answer: I have literally no clue. Ha! 
Secondly, what do I have on the books already for 2023?
* New products coming your way in January!
* Bringing back some products that I missed making for you!
* Planning on some big craft fairs for 2023!
* Expanding my wholesale customers!
I should say...that's what I am looking at right now. Life has it's way of throwing you for a loop sometimes, but I am a big believer in setting goals and putting them out there.
Thank you, once again, for being a part of this journey with me. You have grown with me through the years and I can't wait to share with you what's right around the corner!


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