How is it already June?!
Here we are in June and 2021 has seemed to flown by faster than most years. How's it going for Leluna Star in 2021? How did our first event in over a year go? What does the second half of the year hold? Keep reading!

Last month, we had packed up the car and set up for our first event of 2021...which was also our first event in over a year! It was as if it was the first day at a new job: nerves, tears, uncontrollable laughter, and meeting so many great people! All of the hard work in designing and creating a new line of products paid off as the comments from customers about the new
Leluna Loveable collection were so heartfelt and have inspired me to keep creating more!
We will be back at
Downtown Cary Food and Flea on Sunday, June 13th and hope you can come down. This will be our last event until August as we take some time off in July to spend it with family and friends when the kids are off from school.
For June, I've added so many new items to the Brand Sparkling New collection: new Darling Bunny Dolls, Swaddle Sweeties, Mermaid Dolls, Pretend Playset, Keychains, Dress-up Masks, Doodle Dolls and more!

A Lookback
You need to look back to look forward, right? Or something like that. At the end of 2020, I sat down and set a few goals for 2021. I had done my research, I had tested designs, and I knew that the new line of Leluna Loveables was where I was ready to begin. I have been thrilled with the feedback and response from this new adventure. Looking forward, I have 3 new Loveable designs that I will be working on over the next few months. Some will take more time than others to release to you all, but once they are here (including the option for customization)....I am going to be so thrilled to share them with everyone!
As mentioned above, I have my next event on June 13th and hope to see you there. I will be doing less
events this year than in years past, so be sure to follow me on
Instagram and "like" my business on
Facebook for announcements as to when I will be doing markets.
If you haven't already, sign up for our monthly newsletters to receive a discount code that is exclusive to our newsletter subscribers.
Once again...thank you for supporting a small business!
- Leah